Hank Phillippi Ryan Interviews Christina McDonald

Hank Phillippi Ryan Interviews Christina McDonald

Hank Phillippi Ryan is the USA Today bestselling author of 12 thrillers, winning the most prestigious awards in the genre: five Agathas, four Anthonys, the Daphne, and for The Other Woman, the coveted Mary Higgins Clark Award. She is also on-air investigative reporter for Boston’s WHDH-TV, with 37 Emmy’s and dozens more journalism honors. Book critics call her “a master of suspense,” “a superb and gifted storyteller.” Her thriller The Murder List won the Anthony Award for Best Novel of the Year. Her newest novel is The First To Lie.

In Conversation With…

Christina McDonald is the USA Today bestselling author of Do No Harm, Behind Every Lie and The Night Olivia Fell (Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books), which has been optioned for television by a major Hollywood studio. She’s from Seattle but now lives in London, England with her husband, two sons, and their dog, Tango. She’s currently working on her next novel.

Do No Harm

Emma loves her life. She’s the mother to a precocious kindergartener, married to her soulmate—a loyal and loving detective—and has a rewarding career as a doctor at the local hospital.

But everything comes crashing down when her son, Josh, is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Determined to save Josh, Emma makes the risky decision to sell opioids to fund the life-saving treatment he needs. But when somebody ends up dead, a lethal game of cat and mouse ensues, her own husband leading the chase. With her son’s life hanging in the balance, Emma is dragged into the dark world of drugs, lies, and murder. Will the truth catch up to her before she can save Josh?

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Hank’s review

“Devastating, heartbreaking, and incredibly timely – this risky and brilliant examination of when the ends justify the means will captivate you from moment one. The talented Christina McDonald dissects the crumbling marriage of two good people, and reveals how love and obsession can combine to destroy even the most perfect family. As a doctor’s vow of “do no harm” twists into “do whatever it takes,” you’ll be riveted by this thought-provoking and tragically believable story.” —Hank Phillippi Ryan USA Today Bestselling author

Author’s Corner – Hank Phillippi Ryan Interviews Christina McDonald

Hank: Your “In Conversations” are consistently wonderful, and you’re so generous to do them. But now we’re turning the tables on you!  I love how you always ask authors to tell them one funny quirky thing about themselves, and now I get to ask you the same thing. Tell us something about you that we would be surprised to hear.

Christina: Something people usually find a little quirky about me is that I write to hard trance music. I love music and have it on wherever I am – in the car, going for walks, cooking – and writing is no exception. I need it to work, but I can’t have lyrics or I just end up writing the lyrics instead of the words I want. Trance music allows me to write fast, think fast, type fast, and there are no lyrics to distract my brain. It’s perfect! It’s really the one thing I absolutely need in order to write.

Also, I love tacos, the beach and f-bombs (I blame going to university in Ireland for this!), and once in a club in Dublin I rapped Gangsta’s Paradise at Coolio. I don’t think he was very impressed. lol

Hank: Wait–what is trance music? (And I bet Coolio is sending you fan mail as we speak.)  But singing aside, did you always want to be a writer? What was the first thing ever – that you remember writing? Did you show it to anyone? What did they say?

Christina: I’m definitely one of those people who always wanted to be a writer. When I was a girl I told my first stories to my little sisters, and as I got older I made up elaborate, creative stories that my friends and I would act out. Mostly they were to do with riding horses and falling in love. lol But writing novels was always my dream.

The very first story I remember writing (this is going back to when I was about 7 or 8 years old!) was about a girl who was very poor and all she wanted was as much candy as she could possibly eat. One day, the girl and her sisters realized they had hair that was made of real gold. So they cut their hair and took it into the bank and sold it, then used the money to buy all the candy they wanted. Clearly I had a lot to learn about stakes and plot twists. lol

Hank: Oh, that sounds very Gift of the Magi, doesn’t it? Clearly you had talent.  Now you’ve  transported yourself from Seattle and are living in London.  Has that changed how you write or think or see the world?

Christina: Yes, most definitely! I think learning about different cultures and the way different people live opens up your mind to a new way of thinking, to the possibility that there are other ‘right’ ways to live, or at least ‘right’ for each individual. In America we’re sort of taught we are the only free society, we are the best country, the only culture that matters, and traveling and living abroad showed me that there are so many sides to see things from, so many ‘right’ stories.

Hank: And you  have a masters in journalism from the National University of Ireland! How did that happen, and why?

Christina: It’s sort of a sliding doors story, actually! I’d just graduated from college when 9/11 happened, and there weren’t a lot of jobs going in journalism, so I worked as a waitress and saved up to go traveling. I landed at Heathrow Airport in London after an overnight flight and I staggered exhausted and confused down the Arrivals hall with no hotel booked, no onward journey organized, nothing.

I spotted an Aer Lingus desk and decided in that moment to go to Ireland instead of staying in London. I hopped the next flight and ended up traveling the country. I loved everything about it. I found out there was an excellent Master’s in Journalism at the National University of Ireland, and I applied and was accepted. A few months later I’d moved to Ireland in Galway, and a few months after that I started it I met my future husband, and the rest is history!

Hank: Perfect sliding doors. Has your journalism and communications training helped you in telling fictional stories?

Christina: Absolutely! In journalism you’re guided first by the story and second, the deadline. So these things have helped me in planning and submitting my work. Journalism also gives you the ability to look at a story objectively; why is a source telling you something? What is their motivation? What slant do they have? And these are the things you look out for as an author in telling your own protagonist’s stories.  You also look out for the 5 Ws in writing, whether in journalism or in writing fiction: who, what, when, where, why. And these questions and their answers shape how you tell your story.

Hank: I so agree. And in fiction, as in journalism, I always ask myself: “Why do I care?” It makes such a difference in the story.  So on to the important stuff now: Are you a good cook? And another truly important question: your dog is named Tango? Why?

Christina: I think I’m a good cook! Lol I don’t like cooking as much as I used to, as now I’m always trying to balance what each person in my family likes and dislikes with a good balance of vegetarian and meat meals, so it’s become a little annoying. But I love baking! It feels more like creating something artistic than just consumption.

Tango’s name was something we sort of fell into. My family and I couldn’t agree on the perfect name for Tango before we got her as a puppy, but we found out the whole litter had been registered under the names of dances: Lindy Bop, Tango, Samba, etc. We all adored the name Tango, so we kept it.

Hank: So cute!  It’s perfect. Let’s think back: My first job was at the Dairy Queen, making dilly bars and dipped cones.  What was yours? Did you love it?

Christina: My first job was as a data entry specialist. You know those forms you used to fill out at fairs to try to win a car? I entered all of that data into data entry software so those annoying telemarketers could call and try to sell you things. Lol I found the job at the back of a newspaper and I was really fast at typing so they hired me. I probably worked far too much for a 16-year old, but it paid well and I liked it.

Hank: My second job–at 17!–was a proofreader at a legal publishing house–isn’t that weird?  I loved it. Now I get to ask you the dinner party question!(Remember dinner parties? People would come to your house, actually came inside. And food was shared. Whoa.) But since imaginary is as good as it is going to get these days, what five people, dead or alive, would you invite? And why?

Christina: I’d invite Neil deGrasse Tyson so I can pick his brain on all the mysteries of the universe.

Tom Hanks because he’s like everybody’s dad and I’d love to give him a hug.

Malala Yousafzai because she’s such a wonderful advocate for human rights and women everywhere.

Princess Diana because that tension between head and heart is intensely fascinating.

And Agatha Christie because I’d love to know how her brain worked, but also because I think she had a lot of secrets she was sitting on!

And as a bonus, I’d also invite Jennifer Lawrence because she would just be so fun! She’s so self-deprecating and hilarious and down to earth. I love her.

Hank: Oh, invite me! That sounds fabulous.  Now let’s talk about your new book, Do No Harm.

Writing Do No Harm

Hank: Do No Harm. Wow. It’s chilling, and terrifying, and incredibly thought-provoking. Tell us–just a little. (It’s difficult to talk about a thriller, isn’t it, because we don’t want to give anything away.) But what was your first moment of thinking of this story?

Christina: I’ve wanted to write a book against the backdrop of the opioid epidemic for a while now because my brother has suffered addiction for most of my adult life. It’s a difficult thing to watch someone you love go through, especially when their reason for starting on opioids (my brother was injured at work and had back surgery) seems perfectly reasonable. He was given opioids legally and became hopelessly addicted from then on.

There are so many sides to the opioid epidemic and I’ve wanted to confront some of them for a long time, but the first moment I really had a plot idea was reading a news story about a podiatrist who started up an opioid ring in Indiana. I wondered why he did it, was it just money, power, fame? Everybody has a reason for doing things; we don’t make choices in a vacuum. I was interested in exploring what these reasons could be from the other side of my brother’s situation struggling with addiction. And so Do No Harm was born.

Hank: That title is so ironically simple, and so deeply multi-layered. It’s perfect. Talk about that a bit. Was that instantly the title?

Christina: Do No Harm is the first book I’ve written where I decided not to pick a title until I’d finished writing the book. So when I sat down to brainstorm titles, one of the most obvious ones was Do No Harm, which is included in the Hippocratic oath that doctors take. And it’s so poignant to me because of course Emma is doing harm, despite her vow. I pitched it to my agent and editor and they both loved it immediately, so we kept it.

Hank: The book is poignant about the incremental steps people take in making a decision–and how, sometimes, step by little step, we wind up in a place we never thought we’d be. I wonder–did you know the end before you started?

Christina: I never know the end when I start a book. I’m a pantser through and through, so I didn’t even know the baddie or the extent Emma would go until I wrote it. In some ways, writing is a journey of me finding out, just as much as a reader reads to find out.

But I think it’s really insightful pointing out how we very rarely make sweeping choices—mostly our lives are run by the small choices that all lead up to the big result, and Do No Harm is no different. Emma doesn’t set out to hurt anyone. In fact, she sets out to save everyone, most particularly her little boy. But so many times in fiction and in life, our smallest choices lead us down the biggest paths, often to endings we don’t predict or even expect.

Hank: I write the same way–and I am often so surprised! Do No Harm is incredibly authentic–all of the medical elements and procedures, woven through the book in such a seamless way. How did you do that research?

Christina: I did months and months of research for this book—more than any book I’ve ever written. I read about and spoke to doctors about the medical processes of dealing with CAR-T stem cell therapy in treating leukemia; I read vast troves of research about addiction; I even spoke to a police officer to make sure Nate’s chapters and all the things that go into the DEA and local departments busting drug dealers was authentic. Once I’d finished writing the book, I had various people read for authenticity and to ensure details were correct. It was a whirlwind year for sure!

Hank: And the police work, as well, so authentic. Is this just your imagination?

Christina: A lot of it is imagination, but I verified everything with an actual police officer I know in Seattle to ensure I’d written the processes and terminology authentically. In my imagination I thought, ‘sure a detective can be hired with the Drug Enforcement Agency’, but I didn’t know if that was really true, so I reached out to my contact to verify everything I didn’t know for sure.

Hank: Of course, the key to the story is a mother’s love for her child. In publishing circles, that’s called relatable, because one way or another, we all understand how that must feel. What’s right and wrong twists and changes, doesn’t it? And when you’re a mother… 

Christina: Exactly! When I read that story about the podiatrist starting a drug ring I wondered so much about his motivations, and the only reason I believed that would be in any way excusable to start an opioid ring was to do it for love of another person, specifically your child. And that makes Emma so much more relatable, because wouldn’t we all do just about anything to save our child’s life?

Hank: And of course–a marriage is at the center of this, too. A loving marriage that’s seething with conflict on every level. I keep using the word authentic–but that’s how this marriage feels, too. The impossibility of deciding what “do no harm” means in a marriage.  How do you want people to think about such relationships when they’re reading this?

Christina: Emma and Nate’s marriage was so wonderful and heart breaking to write. On the one hand, he basically saves her from a loveless life. He gives her a family, which is the thing she’s always wanted, but she makes these choices that drive him further and further away. They’re impossible choices—her husband or her son?—but the real world is full of impossible choices, and to me that was the most intriguing part about writing their relationship. There are very few perfectly ‘right’ answers, and here we have that taken to the extreme.

Hank: I imagine book clubs will absolutely go crazy for Do No Harm!  There’s so much to talk about— and each person will have to consider whether they would make the same decisions as Emma does. Did you think about what you personally would do?

Christina: All the time! I’m not even kidding, literally this morning I was thinking about it! Lol I go back and forth. Without giving away any spoilers, you can’t make these sorts of choices without losing something. You gain something, you lose something else. I don’t judge Emma or think she was ‘wrong’ exactly and I have so much empathy for her because I think life’s about compromise and, as I said above, I think there are few ‘right’ choices. Emma makes a lot of wrong ones for sure. Would I do the same thing? I can imagine it both ways, but I know I’d lose something, so sometimes I don’t try to imagine either way too hard—except in relation to Emma, of course.

Hank: Your very first reader–editor? Agent? Relative? Friend? What did they say when they handed you back the book after they’d read it?

Christina: My very, very first reader is always my husband. I want to get a general reaction from him, to make sure it a) makes sense and b) has an emotional impact. My real test though is my agent, who is my first ‘real’ reader. I can’t remember her exact words, but she loved Do No Harm and seemed genuinely blown away by it, so that made me pretty happy. It’s also the first book I’ve written where my editor did not come back with any edits. She loved it the moment she read it. That’s never happened before, and likely won’t again! lol

What’s next for Christina McDonald?

Hank: I know most interviewers would ask what’s next for you, but I don’t want to know about the next book—I want to revel in the current one. Unless…there’s something you’d like to tell us? And either way–where can we find your launch-and-beyond events?

Christina: I’m still working on my next book, so I can’t really reveal too much, but for Do No Harm I have a number of really exciting virtual events coming up where I’ll be chatting to readers, bloggers, book shops, and librarians. Here are some of the places you can find me:


Get In Touch with Christina

Christina loves connecting with readers. You can get in touch with her at:

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Get In Touch with Hank

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317 Reviews for Hank Phillippi Ryan Interviews Christina McDonald

    Can’t wait to check this out!

    I enjoyed reading the interview, and I look forward to reading The Night Olivia Fell and watching the upcoming show that will be based on it. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Stay safe and healthy.

      Loved the interview, especially the personal glimpses that have shaped you as a writer. Two summers ago I had the opportunity for a quick tour around Seattle. I’ve always had a desire to visit the northwest. After that visit, I really want to go back for more! Love the books. Can’t wait to read more!


      Lisa, I’m so sorry to hear this! It is so difficult watching someone you love struggle with addiction. I’ve watched my brother’s struggle my entire adult life and I feel powerless so much of the time. I really do wish them, and you, the best.

    I am excited to read Do Not Harm. I just preordered it on Amazon!

      That means so much to me, thank you, Hillary! 🙂

    Great interview. Love you both. Thank you kindly.

    I’m so excited to hear about Hank’s upcoming book!
    So many good books to look forward to!
    I’ve had my eye on Do No Harm for a while. I just finished reading The Night Olivia Fell and oh my goodness, I loved it!!!

      Thank you so much, I’m so thrilled you loved Olivia’s story! Can’t wait for you to read Do No Harm!

    These look like two great books I would love to read

    Can’t wait to read both books! I find it amazing that you rapped to Coolio. 😂

      It was a drunken highlight. 😂

    I enjoyed reading the interview

    I look forward to reading this book. It looks great.

    I loved reading the interview. It was perfect and awesome. Those two books sound great.

    Great interview. Love it! I really enjoy listening to Hank on First Chapter every week!

    Love all your books and the opportunity to read something new!

    Looks like 2 winners!

    What a great interview! I love getting to know more about my favourite authors, their background and process. Best wishes!

    Loved the Sliding Doors story, I don’t think I would have enough courage to do something like that!

    What an interesting interview. Love that your hubby is the first reader of your work!

    I really enjoyed your interview. I look forward to reading Do No Harm.

      Thank you so much! 🙂

    Loved the interview! Looking forward to both book releases ☺

    The book sounds really interesting, and I love learning the background of what went into it. Definitely on my TBR list!

    I loved reading this! Two amazing authors!

    I really enjoyed this interview. I loved Do No Harm. Thank you for the chance

    Great interview, can’t wait to read he new book

    I can’t wait to read these books!!! They look great,

    Loved the interview! Did he say anything to you when you rapped it to him?! Talk about a blast from the past rap I remember always rapping it with my friends, Gangster’s Paradise what the hot song for it’s time. I can’t picture you having a job entering data!! Thank you for the contest!

      He looked at me like I was a total idiot, and then turned to MY FRIEND and invited her to his VIP room. But not me. Nope. He did not invite me. hahahaa!

    I really enjoyed this interview – it was so entertaining! I would love to read these books. They sound like the kind of stories I enjoy. Thank you for the giveaway.

    In a time when we are so divided as people, I am so happy to read in this interview that you write about your experiences in different places, and that there is no one way to live! I can’t wait to read your book, we are losing so many individuals to addiction and based on covid issues it seems to have been placed on back burner of the news.

      I agree, it’s been placed on the back burner, and it’s been the worst thing for people who are addicted. An epidemic within a pandemic. 🙁

    Sound like very interesting books. Looking forward to them.

    Great interview! Cant wait to read the new book!

    They both sound really good and I love the artwork picked for both covers. I’ve already added them to my Goodreads want to read list and I will be very thankful if I’m chosen as a winner.

    What a wonderful interview and I had no idea you’d lived in Seattle at one point! I lived in Oregon for some time, but have lived all over the country and it really has been a good thing for me. We get to experience different cultures and people as well as not get stuck in the same town rut that some do. Thank you for this opportunity and have a beautiful day.

      I grew up in Seattle! I go back (pre-pandemic) every year or so to see my mom and sisters. 🙂

    All I can say is WOW! This sounds like an intriguing and fascinating book! I really need to read this one. You never know what you will do, as a mother, for your child. Wonderful interview! Thanks so much!

    Both are being added to my “want to read pile” immediately! Thanks

    Hank, you did a great interview. I love that she lived in other countries. Something I always wanted to do. Unlikely to do so, with this pandemic. I remember the story about the Dr. great way to come up with plot. Look forward to reading your books.

    So looking forward to “Do No Harm” ……. I am riveted by this storyline. You are a supreme storyteller, and I know that when I pick up one of your books, I’ll be doing nothing else until I’ve finished it. Give Tango a pat on the head for me —- he’s too cute !!

    Ok, love the interview, can’t wait to read these books, but, more importantly, we need video of your rap! 😂

      I wish I had one! This was pre-smart phones. I think I had Snake on my phone and could text, and that was about it! lol

    Absolutely can’t wait to read both of these!

    Can’t wait to read both books!

    Enjoyed the interview. Hank you did a great job. The book sounds like something that would be interesting to read. Did you draw from any aspects of your own family? Like gave this family a dog? I love how you came up with concept, based off a real situation.

    It was good to get to know somethings about you. I’ve loved your books and look forward to reading many more from you. Thanks for posting your reviews of books. I’ve read many of the books you have reviewed and never been disappointed.

    I really need to read Do No Harm! Thank you!

    Sounds like such an Awesome book, please pick me 🙂

    Sounds like such an Awesome book, I would LOVE to receive this, please pick me 🙂

    Thanks for the interview, enjoyed learning more about you ! I look forward to reading “Do No Harm” when it is released. Thank you

    Christina MacDonald is such a great author. I can’t wait to read Do No Harm!

    I love reading all your interviews, you do a amazing job and can learn a lot from your interviews, you wouldnt know before. Happy new year you guys.

    Looking forward to reading Do No Harm. Looks so good. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy. Can I say I too love, tacos, the beach, and f bombs, lol. It’s nice to read interviews like this as it makes authors more relatable which is great.

    My first job was ‘an annoying telemarketer’. lol! Enjoyed the interview, Christina. Would love to read DO NO HARM and THE FIRST TO LIE. Cheers!

    I can’t wait to read both books!

    Two great authors! I’d read anything they publish. Being from Boston I am a fan of Hank’s from way back!

    I think we just became best friends! I love a well placed f bomb and have a habit of rapping in my car while my 3rd grader shrivels in embarrassment! Behind Every Lie is one of my all time favorites. I can’t wait to read these 2 great reads by 2 of my favorite authors. Thanks for making being stuck inside much more fun with these great reads!

      Rapping in your car with your 3rd grader is amazing! 🙂

    I can’t wait to read these books!

    Christina every story you produce is fantastic! I’m excited to read your new book and would love to read HPR as well.

    I love that it’s coming from something personal. It always gives books a special feel. I can’t wait to read it!

    I love reading your interviews. It’s fun to see what you are up to and A fun way to learn about some new authors as well. Thank you!

    Awesome interview with two of my favorite authors!

    Your story line is great! I think anyone would do anything for their child especially when their health is involved.. And opioids are such a problem in our society today. I had surgery last summer and I was given opioids for the pain and I was actually afraid to take them. I never had any kind of issue but it’s just in the back of your mind what could possibly happen. Very interesting to hear about what lead you to your writing career and the amazing places you have visited and now where you live. And what could be better than being interview by Hank Phillippi Ryan?!! Love both of you! Can’t wait to read and review this book!

    What a fantastic interview! I like how you got the name of Tango for your dog and that you love music. But I still don’t know what Trance Music is. Is that like “elevator music”? That’s what we call music that is classical with no words. Finally, I can’t wait to read Do No Harm. I book that I read recently had the CAR-T cells element in it and it was amazing how much research must have gone into it, so I’m sure that you spent hours researching. I appreciate the time you put into your books so that we, your readers, can have hours of entertainment.

    Look like interesting reads!

    Great interview! I can’t wait to read “Do Not Harm”. What is heavy trance music? Lol

    Your interview was quite interesting. I found it interesting to use real life issues and incorporate them into your writing – making the reader more aware of issues – bringing them to light. I also liked the using trance music instead of songs – uncluttering your thoughts sounds perfect. I am looking forward to reading these books.

    I love all of your books and I cannot wait to get my hands on Do No Harm.. Sounds very intriguing!

    I’ve never heard of Hank, so I’ll have to look her up. Great interview. I absolutely love Christina’s books! I’m really excited to read “Do No Harm”.

    What a great interview! Trance music, who would have guessed. This book sounds fabulous.

    Great interview. I want to read your book and get to know you as an author.

    Great interview. I look forward to reading these books.

    Enjoyed reading the interview, it is interesting to read the background to ideas and developments.

    What a great interview…such openness and honesty. And, I love your ‘sliding door’ story about how you met your husband. (I’ve never heard the term ‘ sliding door’ used in this context before!) Your ‘how you met’ story made me smile, as I too, met my husband in that way! It’s amazing how the choices we make on the spur of the moment affect our lives!

    Wow, Coolio really takes me back. Great interview and I can’t wait to read the books!

    I loved reading this interview, I have read one of your books and would love to win this book to read too, congrats!

    Oh my goodness, I loved everything about this interview! So funny that you rapped to Coolio…. Gangsta’s Paradise is such an awesome song!!! And I love your picks for dinner guests! I really want to attend that dinner party. Great picture of Tango too. I’m so excited for Do No Harm!

      Thank you so much, Lindsay! 🙂

    I can’t wait to read these books!! Love you both!!!

    Great interview. I love knowing how the book comes to be.looking forward to reading about Emma’s journey. Love getting some details about your life. I too would love to have Tom Hanks at my dinner table. I also would have paid money to hear you “rap”.

    Great interview! Gangsta’s Paradise is a great song, and that story is hysterical!

    I don’t know how you can write and listen to music!! I can’t even listen to music when I read and I love music also! Can’t wait to read your book!

    Lovely interview! Your conversation flowed effortlessly. Thanks for sharing.

    Awesome interview! Loved the photo with your pup. Can’t wait to read these!

    Loved the interview! Did the club in Dublin record this rap? I think everyone here would love to see it 😜

      Hahaa! I wish! This was before cell phones had video. I think I had one of those old Nokia’s with Snake on it! lol

    I love this interview for a few reasons, first I loved The Night When Olivia fell and I remember thinking, wow – who thinks of this and it was you so I’ve been a fan since then. Second, I agree with background Trance music, especially when walking as it doesn’t let you slow down :). The third and most fun is your lists of dinner guests, I agree almost totally, I would add may Steven Tyler or Freddie Mercury! This was a great interview, almost like you had been friends a long time. Can’t wait for Do No Harm

      Thank you so much, Sherrie! Can’t wait for you to read Do No Harm also! 🙂

    Always look forward to your books!

    What a great interview! I have been a huge fan of Hank Phillippi Ryan for years now and more recently a big fan of yours Christina. I loved reading about how you ended up in Ireland and met your husband. The Night Olivia Fell remains a favorite of mine and I am looking forward to reading Do No Harm. It sounds like a fascinating but heartbreaking book!

    Tacos and the beach, two of my favorite things that go together well! Great interview

    I loved this interview!! I also can’t wait to read either book!!

    Great interview! You are awesome, Christina! Hilarious, kind, and a wonderful writer! I would love to come watch you rap someday! Lol. I haven’t read any books by Hank yet – she’s next on my purchase list! I didn’t know The Night Olivia Fell was going to be a show – thanks random commenter for the info!

      Thank you so much, Lexy! 🙂

    So interesting to hear the behind the scenes of authors and how they bring their books to life. Excited to hear Night Olivia Fell is being made into a movie.

    Did some great armchair travelling there reading about your travels Christina. Thank you for sharing with us!

    “…why is a source telling you something? What is their motivation? What slant do they have?” This line spoke to me in more ways than one. This applies to interaction in general and is a good perspective to have every day without expecting their be a negative underlying factor but what motivates a person… I have read the two prior books and currently have Do No Harm on pre-order. My step-daughter is an addict and it affects everyone.

      I’m so sorry to hear that your step-daughter is suffering also. Addiction is a terrible thing to suffer, but also so terrible for the loved ones watching. Thank you so much for ordering Do No Harm. I can’t wait for you to read it and hear what you think!

    I think it’s so interesting that you didn’t have a real plan for how this one was going to end. I always find writers’ processes to be so interesting!

    I can not wait for Do No Harm!

    Fantastic interview! Loved hearing about your past in Ireland and your current views on London. Do No Harm sounds impactful and incredible and I can’t wait to read a copy!

    Do No Harm sounds awesome! I have read several books by both authors and can’t wait to read this! I can’t see any other reason for selling drugs myself, other than to save the life of my child. I would love to win!

    What a wonderful interview! I loved hearing your journey on how you ended up in England as I was always curious. The new book sounds amazing!

    I absolutely love this. I love to hear what other authors ask their peers. They give a totally different perspective and completely understand each other in ways us “regular” people wouldn’t.
    I wonder if Coolio would be okay with making a cameo in one of your books. 😉

    I cannot wait to read Do No Harm!! I loved The Night Olivia Fell as well as Behind Every Lie! You have quickly become one of my favorite authors.

    Loved reading the interview and can’t wait to read Do No Harm!

    Fabulous interview! Tango is gorgeous! DO NO HARM sounds like a page-turner. I’m looking forward to reading it!

    Not to call anyone out- but how many drinks does it take to rap to Coolio? The interview was fun, and I look forward to the books. Thank you, for sharing your talent.

      It was still the beginning of the night, so like one. I’m not very cool. lol

    Great interview! Can’t wait to read the book Christina.

    Suspense is my favorite kind of book! Can’t wait to read the new book

    We all know that actors, authors and other ‘famous’ people are also REAL people, but interviews like this help us to really understand that. It also makes me even more interested in reading Do No Harm.

    Do no harm sounds interesting!

    Too funny with the rap! Anyhow, can’t wait to read these books! I have read all your others and love them!

    Awesome interview!! Oooking forward to both of these books

    I cannot wait to read Do No Harm. It is at the very top of my want to read list. Christina quickly become one of my favorite authors as soon as I read The Night Olivia Fell and went searching for more books by her. I have also shared her first two books with a friend who loved them as well and is looking forward to reading the newest one (after I finish it, of course).

    If i win i’d love to feature these books on my book blog on Blogspot.

    What a great interview! I love both of your writing styles so I enjoyed reading this. Your book sounds so great! It’s definitely on my TBR! I love that you rely on your husband as your first reader.

    Great Interview, enjoyed learning about the book and both of you .
    Both books sound really great. Thank you for the Giveaway.

    I loved this interview! I can’t believe you rapped at Coolio! I was addicted to opioid but have almost 15 years clean. My brother in law works for DEA! I can’t wait to read this book!!

      Oh wow, your BIL works for DEA? That must’ve been really stressful being addicted to opioids when he works there! How amazing that you’ve been clean for 15 years,. Very proud of you!

    I’m always so amazed at all the research that goes into writing a book. It makes for such an authentic read! Looking forward to your new book!

    Hello Christina. Enjoyed the interview. The subject(you!)is very interesting. I especially liked your meeting the husband story. I have read all of your books and am looking forward to reading “Do No Harm.” 🥰

    What an amazing interview! I loved learning more about you. I laughed about “Coolio probably wasn’t impressed.” 🙂
    I can’t wait to read this book!!

    I really loved reading the interview about you and can not wait to read The First To Lie.

    Great interview! I can’t wait to read this book. Many of my research students write about addiction.

    Such an interesting interview. I especially love hearing about your relocations!!
    Maybe one day you can rap for us during your FB videos😂😂

    Wonderful interview! I love learning more about favorite authors. I don’t like reading “sliding door” books, but I enjoyed your story very much!

    Loved this interview and getting to know the author. You life was so relatable! Trance music, who would have ever guessed! Also loved the spontaneity of travel in another country, that is very brave. Looking forward to reading Do No Harm and I love the fact that your husband is so supportive as your first reader!

    Great Interview! i loved hearing about the book and your family
    Excited to read the booksThank you for the chance!

    Really interesting interview. Having lost friends from addiction I’m really interested in reading this book. Thank you

    Great getting to know more about you!

    Loved reading the interview and find out the quirkinesses of your special hidden talent lol ( rapping to Coolio) . Great to know the backdrop of the opioids addiction in which is in your new upcoming novel . Can’t wait to read !

    I loved reading your interview and I absolutely LOVE your books and I’m anxiously waiting for your next book to come out.

    I for one, am SO excited for the release of Do No Harm and will be promoting it at our next book club. I weaseled my way into a book club with The Night Olivia Fell and they have been stuck with me ever since (that’s a story for another time).

    Just like many other, I have grown up surrounded by addiction. I have many family members who are addicts and now I am a nurse who works in a community where opioid addiction is extremely prevalent.

    Thanks for sharing the interview!!!

    I enjoyed reading this interview. It’s fun to learn more about the authors I like. Thanks for sharing!

    I enjoyed reading the interview. Can’t wait to read the book!

    What a fun interview! I love Hank and her books! It’s always fun to find out more about favorite authors! I’m so excited for her upcoming new book! I’m also so excited about yours too! I cannot wait to read them!

    I really enjoyed the interview. I love getting to know new authors!!

    This interview was fantastic! I love Coolio’s Gangsters Paradise also! I love to read and I have never read any of your books or Hank’s but they sound so intriguing that I definitely have to add to my collection!!

    sounds interesting. I will keep my eyes open for the book.

    I pre-ordered Do No Harm and I’m super excited to read it!!

    I can’t wait to receive my copy of Do No harm. I preordered my copy. I didn’t see where I can preview the other book.

    What a great interview! Thank you for posting!

    That was a interesting interview to read. I never heard of the other author but I have read The Night Olivia Fell. That was a great book to read and I cant wait to read your others. Thanks for the chance and stay safe.

    You are so brave to have traveled with out an end goal in mind and so spontaneous to just move to Ireland and start your master’s. I envy people like you. I love your dog Tango. I had a golden just like Tango and her name was Sigma. I cannot wait for “Do No Harm” to come out.

    I have been looking forward to reading do no harm! Really enjoyed the interview too!

    These both sound like great books I would really enjoy!

    This book sounds great. I love the amount of research that you put in!

    Great interview! Looking forward to reading the book!

    Thank you for doing the interview with Hank Phillipi Ryan. I love her books as much as I love yours. Never realized you lived in US before living in London. I have love both The Night Olivia Fell and Behind Every Lie. I can’t wait for Do No Harm.

    Great interview! Both these books are going on my TBR pile! Thanks for sharing and doing a giveaway 💗

    Great interview! I am so looking forward to reading this book!!

    I’m so lucky because my county and city libraries have all your books! (Hank’s too!) Love your books!

    I love reading author interviews. Thank you!!

    Love this author and can’t wait to read this book!

    I enjoyed reading the interview. I would LOVE to go to Ireland. I bet it was beautiful. I look forward to reading The Night Olivia Fell and watching the upcoming show that will be based on it. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Stay safe and healthy.

    I enjoyed reading the interview and hearing about your first job and how you ended up in Ireland. I hope your brother is doing better.

    Great interview – Can’t wait to read your new book!

    Can’t wait to read the books

    I loved reading The Night Olivia Fell! It was a great book and I would be just as excited to read any of these books! Best wishes!

    What a wonderful interview. So sad that you were not invited to the VIP room🤣

    This is a great interview…I mean who better than Hank and Christina!! I especially liked the comment about “mostly our lives are run by the small choices that all lead up to the big result,” I can’t wait to read this book. Thanks for the wonderful thoughts and chat!

    Great interview, I will be looking for Do No Harm hopefully available in large print.

    Addiction is hard on everyone…I lost my brother to alcoholism. The interview was great and the books sound fantastic. Thank you for the chance.

    What a wonderful interview! I know I will love your latest as I have loved your others and if you recommend another I totally trust that recommendation and eagerly await to see what this one holds inside, so please pick me! thank you

    Such a great interview! Can’t wait to read Do No Harm!

    Thanks for this interview! You both are incredibly inspiring! Very much looking forward to reading BOTH of these books!

    Interview and synopsis sound great – can’t wait to read it.

    I loved your interview, and just want to say, dealing with addiction is frustrating, scary, heartbreaking, etc. My son is a recovering addict, and it was one of the hardest things to watch. I felt so helpless!!
    I hope your brother is doing well now.
    I live your writing.
    I just finished Behind Every Lie, and am anxious to read Do No Harm.

      I’m so happy to hear your son is recovering now! It is soooo frustrating and you feel so powerless watching someone go to war with themselves that way. It sounds like your son has a good support network, and I think that’s so key for recovering.

    What a great interview!! Loved it and thank you for letting us get to know you a bit better 😊

    I would love to win any of your books! These to sound amazing! You are a very talented writer!

    I really liked the interview and I’m definitely looking forward to Do No Harm. Super excited.

    So excited. Sounds intense. I loved the Tango pic. What a cute doggo!

    I loved The Night Olivia Fell and am looking forward to reading more of your books!

    Amazing interview, and I admit that I giggled about rapping Gangsters Paradise. I’m so glad that Do No Harm is an opioid related read. Simply because there are numerous people who need something to feel in touch with the reality of how addiction affects everyone, it’s also such a topic for some as well.

    Oh…. I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. Though it goes back a couple of generations, my mother’s family is from there. I am also intrigued by the castles, history and beauty of the country. I don’t know whether I will ever make it there. Lucky Catherine for finding a life there, and a life partner!

    I finally won one of your books, “Behind Every Lie” through Goodreads First Reads. I am only a few chapters in and I am hooked. Great interview!

    Fortunately, I do not know any one who suffers from an addiction. I did read AMERICAN PAIN several years ago and was shocked and horrified to read how people and doctors prospered by providing opioids to those who were addicted. If this story is as good as THE NIGHT OLIVIA FELL, you will have another hugely successful novel. I already know that I want to read it.

    Am I the only one that has no clue what trance music is? Now I have to check it out. Coolio is definitely a blast from the past. Thanks for the interview. It’s always nice to learn more about authors we love.

    Great interview! I now have a Coolio song in my head 😀

    I’ve added Do No Harm to my TBR list!!

    Great interview!!! I’ve just started reading this genre! Love finding new authors and these two books sound fabulous

    Can’t wait fir this book!! And F-bombs and Coolio?? We need to hang out sometime! 🤣📚

    Can’t wait to read it- and you should send a copy to Coolio so he knows he missed out on hanging with an awesome author 🙂

    I think being a proofreader would be an amazing job. Also, raping to coolio. I’m sure he was very impressed.

    Loved reading about Ireland

    Great interview! You had me at Tacos, Beach and F bombs 😂 it’s like we are twins 😂cannot wait to read the books

    Two incredible authors having an interview!? How exciting!

    Great interview! Sounds really interesting!

    Loved the interview. Can’t wait to read more from these 2 authors.

    Do you prefer living in London or Washington? I’ve been wanting to make the move to Aus from Texas . 🙂

    I’m very excited to read this. Interview was so fun.

    I’ve been waiting for Do No Harm since the first teaser, and now even more so.

    That was fun to read! Can’t wait to read this!

    What a great interview! You both are fantastic authors and I can’t wait to read these books. Thanks for the chance!

    Wow! I love how you fearlessly took off and ended up in Ireland! Do No Harm sounds good. I see so much addiction as a registered nurse and look forward to reading this. And I would love to Taco Tuesday with you!

      I would love Taco Tuesday! I just finished eating Tacos for my dinner. Yum! 🙂 I’m excited to hear what you think of Do No Harm. You must have a lot of insight!

    I can’t wait to read this book. I’m
    A Probation officer that deals with opioid addiction plus my husband had a back Injury in which he became addicted and has been sober for 7 years. This is going to hit home for me. Cannot wait to read it.

    I loved the interview! It’s awesome that you got to travel and end up in Ireland! I would love to go there! Thank you to both for the great books!

      Hi Lori, Congrats, you won a copy of The First To Lie and Do No Harm! I’ve emailed you to get your address! 🙂

    Loved the interview! Huge fan of both of your books!

    I enjoyed the interview with the answers to the questions also look forward to reading them both

    Awesome interview!! I’m so excited to read this!!

    Very good interview. I love both of your books. I cannot wait to read Do No Harm. Love the twists and turns of every story. Also you both have had some interesting experiences. I agree with Christina about Ireland. We loved it when we were there. We rented a car and toured the whole country and our last night was in one of the castles. Great time!!

    Great interview!! I love getting to know authors and reading about how they became one and what inspired them to start writing, and “The night Olivia Fell” was a great book. Thank you for giving us a chance at this giveaway.

    What a fun interview! Great to get to know you better- personally and professionally! I always am curious about whether authors know the ending to their books when they are starting- interesting to read your method! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself!

    It is always fun getting to know authors better. I really enjoyed the interview and look forward to reading Do No Harm.

    I think you’re a great author and to open up about your loss is really an awesome thing you’re going. Bravo!

    You and the f-bomb reminds me of Mel Gibson trying to swear in the movie Signs😉😂

    I LOVED this interview and I cannot wait to read both of these books!!

    This was a nice little table turn. 😉 I love reading about various authors’ writing practices. Some of them are similar to actors’ prep and character building, so it must be an artist thing!

    This is a very cool & interesting interview! I was really impressed by your fearlessness, your courage – deciding to move to a foreign country on your own and at a moment’s notice. It’s inspiring to me. Change holds me back. A little food for thought! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    The interview was very entertaining to read! I am currently reading The Night Olivia Fell. It’s a great book! I spoke with you about it a couple of days ago on Facebook. Thank you again for the information! I hope to be able to read these two books as well. Behind Every Lie is also on my to read list.

    I loved this interview and can’t wait to read DO NO HARM! It hits close to home, since we’ve struggled with my son’s addiction, which led to his being a paraplegic, for 27 years now. The fight to save him has been so exhausting and heartbreaking. Where does helping someone turn into complete enabling! Your characters and their choices sound very real, and I am fairly sure what I would do under the same circumstances. Thanks, Hank and Christina! You are both winners in my book!

      I’m so sorry you’ve gone through that with your son, Sylvia. I can definitely empathize with that helplessness with my brother and his addiction. It is so exhausting and debilitating. I hope he is doing better now, and I’m glad it sounds like he has such a good support system. I can’t wait to hear what you think of Do No Harm. 🙂

    I, too, love tacos, the beach and f-bombs! I cannot wait for Do No Harm, but not gonna lie, I already read The First to Lie and it was GREAT (looking forward to Hank’s new book, too!)!! Thanks for the fun interview from 2 of my favorite authors!

    Interesting interview. I have The First to Lie and am looking forward to Do No Harm.

    I loved this interview. Thank you for being down to earth and letting all of us into your life. I am so excited to read Do No Harm. I am guilty of loving tacos and dropping f-bombs. Now, thanks to you I love trance music. I listened to the link above and immediately fell in love with this music piece. It made a calmness come over me. I am hooked. Thank Christina for always sharing!

      It’s my pleasure! You guys are my tribe and I love talking to you! 🙂 I am SO thrilled you love trance music. It’s somehow both chill and also inspires me to write faster. 🙂

    I can’t wait to read these books!

    Can’t wait to read these books! They sound awesome! Thanks for sharing this interview with us! Stay safe.

    Loved this interview! Really, I just love reading about what my favorite authors thoughts are on different things. I cannot wait to read do no harm and will be out getting it as soon as it comes out. Congrats…it almost feels like we’re friends and I’m proud of u…but that’s weird, right?! Lol 🤣

    This interview is fabulous!! I agree with your dinner party guest answer! That would sure make an amazing interesting party!!

    Great interview, can’t wait for the book

    I would love to win! Do No Harm siounds intriguing. I enjoyed this interview also. It was interesting to learn a little bit about Christina’s writing process.

    Sounds great, what a great interview! I’ve already pre-ordered since I enjoyed the first two so much!

      I appreciate that so much, thank you, Mindy! 🙂

    I still don’t know what Trance music is! Also–I can’t wait to read Do No Harm! I have loved both of your books, so I am anxiously awaiting the new one. I also like HPR books! I recently read Long Bright River which was amazing and highlighted the opioid crisis. Reading your perspective, especially with someone so close to you who is dealing with addiction will be enlightening. Thanks for writing it, I hope it helps someone!

      Trance music starts out chill and ramps up the beat. Raver music (I was never a raver, I just like the music). Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXAbte4QXKs
      I recently read Long Bright River also and LOVED it! I’m excited to hear what you think about Do No Harm. 🙂

    Thank you for doing this interview. When I choose the next book that I am going to spend some time with to read interviews like this add to the experience of the book. All the best with the release of Do No Harm.

    Great interview, such a variety of questions. I always enjoy reading your interviewees choices for their dinner party guests, I love that Hank asked you so now we know yours! The Night Olivia Fell and Behind Every Lie were both 5 star books, so I am very much looking forward to reading Do No Harm!

    This was an enjoyable interview! I love listening to music alot too!

    Loved the interview! I’m excited for new books to read.

    Great interview. I’m looking forward to reading both books.

    Interesting interview and great to get to know you better. Thank you for sharing your books and I love the look of your dog Tango

    Great interview! Can’t wait to read your books!

    2 of my top authors I’ve had on my TBR list! I’ve recently learned about both of you in the past year and not1 book sounds boring. I was excited for the reverse interview. I’m even more intrigued by Do Not Harm now. Really have to put this on the tip of my list .. Cute story re: Coolio 🤗

    Do No Harm sounds amazing.

    The interview was interesting to read and learn about you!

    As one of my most anticipated new releases, it’s fascinating to learn about your inspiration behind creating themes of the book although I imagine there’s a lot of emotions that must get brought up in the process of discussing opioid addiction.
    By the way, I just caught a glimpse of the cover of “The Night Olivia Fell” for the upcoming release of the US mass market paperback and I love it! This book is also high on my want-to-read list and hope to see it when I’m shopping in CVS Pharmacy since I always find great books in there!

    What an interesting interview, love getting to know authors better, can’t wait to read Do No Harm, oh & of course loved seeing the photo of Tango 😀

    Great interview! It was like sitting at the kitchen table with you and having a chat. I would love to read both books!!

      I wish we could do that!

    Oh my gosh!! So much wonderful insight on your life!!I love when authors give personal tidbits on themselves and not just about their books. It brings the connection between reader and author to a new level!! Like, “Hey! They ARE human!”…lol!! Thank you for this wonderful interview..and Gansta’s Paradise is one of my favorites from back in my skating days!!

    I loved this interview! Thank you for the chance 🙂

    Thank you once again for your writing and sharing with the ones out here waiting for another book when we have finished one. You rock!!

    I always enjoy the interviews, but this was extra special! Thank you! ❤

    Awesome interview! Looking forward to reading Do No Harm. Just finished the First to Lie. Loved it. Read The Night Olivia Fell some time back. Was totally blown away by this book. Going to recommend Do No Harm for our next Book Club read.

      Thank you so much, Tena! 🙂

    I loved finding out that you are from Seattle-who knew! And the background of how you were inspired to write Do No Harm-wow. Loved this interview, it was so fun to read your point of view and process. SO looking forward to Do No Harm!!!

    I have to admit, I’m a little envious of your time in Ireland! Traveling is not something I yearn for anymore, but that is one place I’d still love to go.

    So nice to read about You, for a change!

    Great interview with one of my favorite authors. I can not wait to read Do No Harm.

    I have read all of Christina’s books and not one have disappointed! I am so ready for Do No Harm I have no nails left lol!!

      Thank you so much! 🙂

    I enjoyed reading your interview. Enjoy your writing and looking forward to reading Do No Harm.

    I’ll send my address for an invite to your dinner party with Tom Hanks and Princess Di and the others! That is a fantastic group you’ve thought up!
    I’m also envious of your schooling in Ireland. What a marvelous opportunity. I’m so looking forward to your new book. The Night Olivia Died and Behind Every Lie have always ranked up in my top favorites. Great article!

    I’ll send my address for an invite to your dinner party with Tom Hanks and Princess Di and the others! That is a fantastic group you’ve thought up!
    I’m also envious of your schooling in Ireland. What a marvelous opportunity. I’m so looking forward to your new book. The Night Olivia Fell and Behind Every Lie have always ranked up in my top favorites. Great article!

    Both books sound so good. Would love to read them.

    Loved the interview. Looking forward to hearing more…does sound like a good book for our Boozy Book Club!

    I’ve noticed a lot of authors since the pandemic really supporting each other on social media and really getting involved with their readers and I truly think it’s amazing. I’ve read tons of books based off my favorite authors and now have some new favorites. I hope this trend continues after this is all over

    I can’t wait to read this! I’m a nurse, so suspense novels that combine medicine are always favorites of mine!

      Oooh, I can’t wait for you to read this one! 🙂

    Thank you so much for such a fabulous interview by two of my favorite suspense authors. It was marvelous. I am looking forward to reading Do No Harm

    Loved the interview! Cannot wait to read the new book!!

    This story sounds really exciting and
    relatable for a lot of people. I didn’t realise how much research goes into writing a book of this nature. I’m adding it to my TBR pile

      Thank you so much, Michelle! 🙂

    Wait, I still don’t know what Trance Music is!

    What a great interview with two amazing authors. Glad to hear The Night Olivia Fell will soon be available to watch. I loved that book!

    Adding both to my TBR list! Thanks!

    I would love to read one of these books so so good

    I’m so interested in books by both of you, this was fun to read . Thank you

    Can’t wait to read , love thrillers and great interview.

    Loved the interview and Tango is very cute! Thank you for the chance!!

    Great interview! This made me even more excited to read the book!

    Loved the night Olivia fell and would to read and review these as well. Thanks for this opportunity.

    So fun learning all the interesting facts about you!

    Great interview. Thanks for sharing your insights.

    I loved your other two books. I can’t wait to read this one.

    I loved reading the interview. I also look forward to reading these books. Thanks for the chance. We aren’t getting out during this time so checking out lots of books through on line library or amazon.

    I really enjoyed reading this interview! I can’t wait to read your new book.

    How can you go wrong when one of your favorite authors is interviewed by another of your favorite authors?!? (DUH, you can’t!😉)

    I cannot wait until Do No Harm is finally here!! It comes out two days after my birthday and I couldn’t ask for a better gift (unless maybe a plane ticket to Ireland as a bookmark?!? I know we can’t travel right now, but it’s still on my bucket list! And I can’t imagine better travel reading material than books by Christina & Hank, especially since I’d be flying out of Boston so I’d be traveling from Hank’s ‘hood to Christina’s! 💙)

    Illuminating interview! I love how you spontaneously decided to take that flight to Ireland and how that one decision shaped the trajectory of your entire life. Do No Harm sounds terrific!

    Loved this interview! Your book sounds amazing! The medical aspect of the book caught my attention also. (I’m a Robin Cook fan) On a sad note; my family had a near suicide because of opioid addiction. My nephew did get help and life has changed for him. I think with his strong family support, it helped with his recovery. Thank you God.

    Great interview! Loved hearing about your sliding doors moment. I’m looking forward to reading Do No Harm!

    Tacos,the beach & F bombs what more do you need 😉

    That was a fun and entertaining interview. I totally understand the limits you would go to save a loved one. All lines will be moved and justified.

    I can’t wait to read this book. You are an amazing writer and I enjoyed everyone one of your books thus far!!

    AMAZING Interview! It kinda takes me away from my own thoughts for a few! Something that I really needed! So THANK YOU!

    Thanks for this. I really enjoyed learning about your path to becoming a writer.

    Thanks for the opportunity

    Cannot wait to read both of these books!

    Wow Hank gives great interviews and Christina gives great interview answers! I don’t know that I would have the courage to live in Ireland and go to college there on a whim like you did! Kudos to you! I am so looking forward to your book. I worked for the judicial system for 27 years and I saw what the opioid crisis did to many that started out through prescription medications. It’s so sad. So glad that you tackle this topic. Thank you so much for the chance!

    What a great interview. I enjoyed reading it.

    A beautiful read – great insight with your fabulous interview
    Cant wait to read for myself
    Many thanks

    Two wonderful authors! It was great to get to hear more about you! I cannot wait to read your new book.

    Such an interesting interview! Can’t wait to read Christina’s newest book and awaiting Hank’s newest later this year!

    Looking forward to reading DO NO HARM! I’ve read your other books, they are great!

    Very interesting and fun interview! Loved the back and forth banter. Looking forward to reading Do No Harm!

    What a great interview and an interesting concept for a book. I can’t wait to read it!!!

    Great interview. I love the sound of Do No Harm. And I love trance music! I can’t write (or even read) with it, but I love it for doing a workout!

    Can’t wait to read these books
    Great interview

    Lovely interview! Thanks for the chance.

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