Little Broken Things by Nicole Baart Little Broken Things is a family drama exploring lies and dark secrets. When a little girl arrives, all those secrets start to come out into the open. Told primarily from the POV of Liz, Nora and Quinn, the story explores what happened in the past and who the little…
Final Girls - Riley Sager
Final Girls by Riley Sager My rating: 5 of 5 stars Of the +/- 100 books I’ve read this year, Final Girls is definitely up there at the top of my list. I absolutely LOVED every page. Initially I stayed away because I thought it sounded too much like a slasher movie, but fortunately it…
Honeymoon - James Patterson
Honeymoon by James Patterson My rating: 4 of 5 stars Ok, there are some really cheesy moments in this book, but it’s a quick, easy read that is also entertaining. No, there are no themes or plot points to discuss, no great book club questions, but it never promises to be that. James Patterson is…
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor - Adam Kay
This Is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay My rating: 5 of 5 stars A darkly hilarious and heartwarming look at what it’s like to be a junior doctor, with snippets of stories so horrifying, surprising and amusing I had to read almost all of them out loud to…
Forget You Know Me - Jessica Strawser
Forget You Know Me by Jessica Strawser My rating: 5 of 5 stars What an intriguing premise! Childhood best friends Liza and Molly decide to catch up over a Skype call and some wine. But when Molly goes upstairs to check on her daughter, Liza sees a masked intruder enter her house. This one incident…
A Spark of Light - Jodi Picoult
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult My rating: 5 of 5 stars Intricate, gorgeous and incredibly intelligent, I loved every second of this book. No matter what your views on this very sensitive social issue, A Spark of Light is a wonderful read. Rather than being preachy about either side, I think the success…
HIM - Clare Empson
Him by Clare Empson This is a thoughtful character-drawn book, a tragic tale of love, obsession and guilt. My only problem with it was it’s one of those books that’s packaged as a psychological thriller and it just isn’t. But once you push that expectation aside, the writing is good, fluid and intelligent, with a…
I, Witness - Niki Mackay
I, Witness by Niki Mackay My rating: 5 of 5 stars If you like brisk, pacy thrillers with well developed characters, this is the book for you! I thought it was going to be a legal thriller (the title, the cover), but instead it’s an excellently spun crime thriller, so don’t let the packaging turn…
The Killer You Know - S.R. Masters
The Killer You Know by S.R. Masters This debut novel has a contemporary feel with an interesting mix of nostalgia and thriller. It follows a group of friends who are torn apart at age sixteen by a number of strange events. Told with a dual time frame, the book has one of the most intriguing…
Three Days Missing - Kimberly Belle
Three Days Missing by Kimberly Belle My rating: 5 of 5 stars Wowohwow! This was a stay-up-late-into-the-night read with pages you will burn through to get to the final resolution. I literally couldn’t put it down! The story follows Kat and Stef, Kat whose son has been kidnapped and Stef the mayor’s wife, whose son…