Hank Phillippi Ryan

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Hank Phillippi Ryan is the USA Today bestselling author of 13 thrillers, winning five Agathas, the Mary Higgins Clark Award, and 37 Emmys for investigative reporting. Her psychological standalone The First To Lie (2020) garnered a Publishers Weekly starred review and is nominated for the Anthony Award and the coveted Mary Higgins Clark Award. Her Perfect Life publishes September 14, and received starred reviews from Kirkus and Publishers Weekly, which called it “A superlative thriller.”

Her Perfect Life

Everyone knows Lily Atwood—and that may be her biggest problem. The beloved television reporter has it all—fame, fortune, Emmys, an adorable seven-year-old daughter, and the hashtag her loving fans created: #PerfectLily. To keep it, all she has to do is protect one life-changing secret.

Her own.

Read The Excerpt

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My review

A stunning, wonderfully tense thriller about deceit, grief, fame and perfection, and the secrets we carry beneath our skin…. Read full review

Author’s Corner – Interview with Hank Phillippi Ryan

Thanks so much for being on Author’s Corner! Can you tell us one funny, quirky thing about you, something most people might not know? An interesting hobby or funny habit, something so readers can get to know the person behind the author.

Oh, I so love being here—thank you!  I am such a fan. Quirky? I know it sounds impossible, but I am the world’s worst typist. I know you’re thinking —how can that be? She types every day! And that is true. But I took typing in high school, and instead of learning how to type without looking at the keys, I would memorize the paragraph and then look at the keys.  So that was my first problem.

Now, as an author, sometimes my brain goes faster than my fingers can type the words I’m thinking, so I always have to write my books twice-once as they are initially typed, and then corrected so I can actually read them.

I also am the world’s worst singer. The worst. If I sang a song for you, you might not even know what song it was. But I can also sing songs using only the first letters of each word. Like: OSCYS would be “Oh, say can you see.” This is not a very useful talent.

What’s your perfect lazy day and where would you have it?

 Oh my goodness, just about anything sounds wonderful. And I can barely imagine it these days. But my husband and I go to an island called Nevis, where we sit on the beach, miles of white sand, with books, and watch the brown pelicans skim across the turquoise Caribbean water. It is mesmerizing. And sometimes in our backyard, we get out the pool floats, and just drift around the pool with books and lemonade, and look up through the leafy green sugar maples at the clear blue sky. It is incredibly peaceful.

Nevis sounds amazing, I love the Caribbean! As a thriller author, what scares you? Do you ever find yourself scared by what you’ve written?

As a writer, what scares me is not knowing what comes next! I’m not talking about the joy of writing suspense, I’m talking about…the blank page. Since I don’t use an outline, there are often moments when I think: uh-oh, now what. I am trying to train myself to just persevere and fix it later.

I don’t read books that are gruesomely scary, and I can reveal to you that when I come upon a scary part, I just skip it.  And I don’t write graphic-scary either. I think it’s a lot more frightening to hear about to read about mind games and gaslighting and deception–and the dramatic chill the reader gets when they know something the character doesn’t.

I don’t use an outline either, so I know that fear well! Who is your favorite crime hero or detective?

This is a tough one! I have a huge crush on Inspector Morse, as my friends know. And Lord Peter Wimsey. Sue Grafton‘s Kinsey Millhone. I am now reading Anthony Horowitz’s A Line to Murder, and it is so hilarious – – so meta, with a fictional detective in partnership with the writer Anthony Horowitz. Who could think of such a clever thing? And it is a wonderful book.

What are some authors you draw inspiration from?

Whenever I start feeling mopey or uninspired,  I look at Stephen King’s On Writing—I just pick it up and read from anywhere. Same with Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. I open it at random.  Somehow those books always present exactly what I need to know. Or hear. At exactly the right time.

I need a book like that in my life, so will look them up. How has the pandemic affected your writing or writing schedule, or has it?

The pandemic-you’d think, wouldn’t you, that those of us who are writing would just keep writing. But for the first couple of months, truly, I was so terrified that there was a layer of fear that seemed to blanket it all. I finally decided: it’s always safe inside a book, and always safe inside a manuscript, so I focused on putting myself in a fictional world, with someone else’s problems.

And that seems to help. I think the whole thing is so much still in process, don’t you? I keep a chart of my words per day, and it is fascinating to see the days I worked like crazy, and the others that are just…blank. But one thing I’ve tried to learn in the pandemic is to give myself a little break. We are all so unsettled and disturbed, aren’t we? And that is to be expected. So—be kind.

Writing Her Perfect Life

Let’s talk about your book Her Perfect Life. Can you tell my readers a little about it?

Oh, the most difficult question! It’s about sisters, betrayal, guilt, fame, and revenge. Everyone knows television reporter Lily Atwood, and that may be her biggest problem. She has fame, fortune, and beloved daughter; and her devoted fans have even given her a hashtag: #PerfectLily.  But Lily also has one life-changing dark secret—and if anyone finds out, she fears her career and happiness are over. Problem is: how do you keep a secret when you’re always in the spotlight? And when an anonymous source begins to tell Lily secrets about Lily’s  own life-she learns the spotlight may be the most dangerous place of all.

I love this hook! So you’re a broadcast journalist like Lily. Did your experience affect the creation or development of this character?

In so many ways! I’ve been an investigative television reporter for more than 40 years now, yikes. And I’m still on the air in Boston. But many years ago, when I was just starting as a television reporter, I went to the laundromat. (Very exciting, right? Glamorous.) And a woman came up to me and said ‘Oh, you’re Hank from television!” And she proceeded to tell me about a story she wanted me to do. I listened politely, but I went home and called my mother and said–can you believe it? Someone came up to me in the laundromat! And my mother paused, and then she said: “You chose the life in the spotlight. Welcome to the spotlight. And I never want to hear you complain again.” And that has truly stuck with me.

It’s also a huge responsibility. You can never be wrong! Never make a mistake, never use the wrong word, or call someone the wrong name, or miscalculate, and never be one second late. And you have to do the whole thing with perfect hair and make-up and a hundred thousand people watching. All part of the job.

And although Lily has many fans, she also has a lot of enemies. And I’ve been stalked, followed, yelled at, threatened,–had people come to my house, and harass me on the phone. As Lily learns, that antipathy goes with the job, too.

But my family did not choose that spotlight. What if that makes them vulnerable, too?  So much for the perfect life.

My editor says—HER PERFECT LIFE is my most personal book yet.

Well I’ve read and loved it, and it does seem like it is very personal to you, which is always amazing as a reader! Can you describe Her Perfect Life in three words?

Suspenseful. Surprising. Heartbreaking.  (Ooh, and twisty, and revealing, and thought-provoking.)

What do you think readers will love about Her Perfect Life?

Well, I can tell you what I know they love! Since I am hearing from early readers already. They love the entrée into the dark side of fame, and they say they will never watch a television reporter the same way again. They love the tense relationship between Lily and her missing sister Cassie-and the surprise when we find out what really happened to her. (Which I have to say I did not know until I wrote that part! So it was a surprise to me, too!) They love the mysterious producer Greer, and seven-year-old Rowen, Lily’s adorable daughter, whose voice just came out so sweetly!

What was your favorite part of writing this book?

It’s a writer answer, but my favorite part was when I finally figured out how it would all end. I don’t use an outline, so I’m writing along, happily, and the story is emerging–if I am lucky–but there is some point in the book where you have to find the answer! And it was very difficult this time. I walked around and walked around and got to the point where I thought – I can’t do this. I have no idea. And then, at some point, it just appeared to me. And when I figured out the end, I stood up and applauded. You have to picture this, because I was by myself. But I stood up and applauded.

That moment where a writer figures out the end is an applaud-worthy moment, I agree! Where did the idea for Her Perfect Life come from?

When I worked in Atlanta, in the 80s, I was anchoring the weekend news. I came home after the late news one night, around midnight or later, and my house was surrounded by police cars. Someone had broken into my house. The police caught him, and he confessed to them that he had chosen my house to break into because he knew I was live on television. Isn’t that chilling?

Because he knew where I was, he knew where I wasn’t. That understanding of the deep vulnerability of being a television reporter haunted me. And that was the beginning of the story.

And led to the irony in the title.

That’s terrifying, and really does factor into the story so well. One of my favorite things about Her Perfect Life is the relationship between Lily and her daughter. You have a way of making your characters so completely relatable, which I find really important in thriller. How do you do this and what sort of focus do you put on character development in your work?

Oh my goodness! Thank you! I love Lily and Rowen too, and those scenes were so much fun to write. I hope this isn’t a bizarre answer, but the characters are very real to me, and as they develop in my writer brain, what they say and how they feel comes from them, not from me. I ask myself as the book begins: why is she doing this? What would make her choose this path? How does she make this decision? And that reveals who my character is. And from then on, if I am lucky, they take over.

I am already getting fan letters for Rowen–people say they wish smart, spunky, and not-quite-obedient Rowen was their own daughter.

What’s Next For You?

Are you working on a new book? Can you tell my readers a little about it, a blurb, potential release date, etc?

Yes, yes. I am working on a new book. I am right in the middle of it, and at the point where I think-see above-I have no idea what this is about! It should be out this time next year, crossing fingers. But it’s about friendship, the power of friendship–and what happens when someone weaponizes friendship.

What better way to get someone to do what you want–no matter what it is-than if you pretend you’re their friend? And how deep is the emotional distress when you feel friendless? Friendship is such a tricky bond-different than marriage, or dating, or professional relationships. What would you do for your new best friend?  And what might they do to you? And as a result, it’s called HER NEW BEST FRIEND.

And because it’s a Hank book, you can rely on this: it’s a high-stakes cat and mouse thriller—but which character is the cat, and which is the mouse?

Get In Touch

Hank loves connecting with readers. You can get in touch with her at:

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278 Reviews for Hank Phillippi Ryan

    Great interview. I love Hank’s books so much and look forward to reading this new one.

      Oh, thank you SO much! Crossing fingers you loveit!

    I would love to win. Thanks for sharing this interview.

    Sounds so good! Thank you for the opportunity!

    Great interview! Book added to my list

    This book sounds amazing!

      Oh, wonderful! Hurray!

    Sounds absolutely brilliant!

    This book looks like another winner for Hank! I have read all her other books and this one will be no different. Thank you for the opportunity to be entered to win!

      It’s on my to be bought list.

    Wonderful interview! Love you both!!!

    This book sounds like a really good thriller. I will be reading it

    Love Hanks books this one is for sure on my TBR list!!

    Thanks for this opportunity. Interesting storyline!

    I’m super intrigued and NEED a copy to read. Definitely sounds fantastic.

    This book is so amazing

    My home was broken into once, years ago. It took years to get over that feeling of being violated. Sounds like a great book!

    Never read her books yet but am intrigued! As a side note my husband is a part time travel writer and has himself been to Nevis!

    I never read anything by this author, but the book sounds great. And great interview!

    I would love to read this book!

    Sounded like it was a wonderful interview

    Sounds good! Looking forward to reading.

    This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the chance!

    Great interview! I love all of Hank’s books! I’m looking forward to reading this one!

    This book sounds amazing! Can’t wait to read it. Based on the 3 word description, this definitely seems like a book I would love.

    I just love this author and when I had the opportunity go to one of her author events, I became an even bigger fan! I am so eager to read Her Perfect Life. I have heard so much about it and am seeing it being talked about everywhere! I hope to get my hands on it soon!

      This is so lovely to hear–thank you! xxx Aww.. you are so kind!

    I loved this discussion with Hank. Hearing that she was a reporter and had someone break into her house because they knew she was on tv is just really scary. I cannot wait to get this book and read it!

    I can’t wait to read this book! It sounds great!

    I can’t wait to read this!

    This book sounds amazing! Adding to my TBR pile!

    This book sounds amazing! Would love to read it.

    Congratulations on your book release. Sounds like an interesting read. Thank you for the chance!

    I’ve read so many great reviews on this one and would love to get the chance to win it!

    Can’t wait to read!

    Cannot wait to read!!

    I can’t wait to read this!

    Thanks for the review – looking forward to reading this book !

    This sounds like something I would love to read! Thank you for the chance!

    Sounds really, really good!!

    5his one sounds like a good read.

    I’ve heard good things about this one!!

    Sounds like another great book, thanks for the opportunity!

    I have a book to finish first, but I can’t wait to read this!

    This sounds so good!!! Would love to read:)

    Insightful interview! I always find it ironic when the word “perfect” is included in a title. Because there is no such thing. It’s what others perceive based upon appearances/impressions. Often, the reality is anything but.

    I love this . The book sounds great. Looking forward to reading it. Twists and turns . Lots of surpris4s

    Hank always gives the best interviews! Would give anything to hear her sing

      Not gonna happen!! xxo Love you!

    I enjoyed The First to Lie, which was my introduction to this author. I’ve been interested in reading more from her.

    Never read a book by her before so if i win i’d love to review it and feature it on my Bookstagram and Book Blogs.

    I love her books. This one will not be an exception. I can’t wait to read it.

    This sounds intriguing!

    Awesome interview! I want to read it even more now!!

    I can’t wait to read it!

    Congrats on your new release! Her Perfect Life sounds fantastic and I look forward to reading it. Your talent sounds fantastically interesting, and individual – perhaps you’d qualify for Guinness World Records? 🙂

    I would love to read Hank Phillipi Ryan’s new release! I love all of her books!❤ Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    Would love to read this!

    I am such a fan! Can’t wait to add this book to my collection.

    This book sounds great! Definitely adding it to my tbr!

    Sounds good Her Perfect Life . I want to read it. It interesting that Hank Phillipi Ryan
    is a broadcast journalist. It sounds like a good book.

    Sounds really good, thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!

    I loved reading that Anne Lamott gives her inspiration, I feel the same! I have never read this author before and I am anxious to read this book which sounds different than titles out there right now. Thank you for the chance to do just that.

    Until I read this I did not know Hank was a woman. Oh, and how scary it must have been for her when (and afterwards) her home was broken into.

    Looking forward to reading! Thanks for the review!

    Can’t wait to read this!

    Definitely want to read!

    Great interview!! Can’t wait for this one

    This looks so good. Can’t wait to read it!

    This book sounds awesome!! I cannot wait to read it! Also, I’m a terrible singer too🤣

    Sounds great! Can’t wait to read it!

    What a great interview!! I’m even more exited to read Hank’s newest thriller!

    I love it when an author pulls a story from their own life experience. I would love to read this book.

    So excited to be introduced to a new author in my favorite genre.

    Love your interviews! Can’t wait to read this book…adding to my TBR!

    So excited to read this book!

    I would love for this to be my next read! Sounds amazing!

    I love thrillers, can’t wait to read!

    The book sounds awesome!

    Sounds like another gripping book to add to my TBR pile. Can’t wait to read this! And thanks for you words on the pandemic! Nice to know we share some of the same feelings. Even as a frontliner, it feels so surreal at times. Never could have imagined this last year.

    I noticed I am more sensitive to graphic content as I get older. I appreciated when Hank talked about not writing that way. Her style is very appealing to me. Can’t wait to read this one!

    Thanks, Christina, and congratulations, Hank! I’ve been delighted by hearing you on First Chapter Fun readings, and I love the writing lessons I’m picking up there. I admire the way you’ve given events and traits of your own to Lily — I’m trying to let my own unpublished characters grow in similar ways. I will borrow the applause idea — and work on getting it the old-fashioned way, earrrrrning it!

    I can’t wait to read this one! Thanks!

    I think this would be a good winter read.

    I cannot wait to read this one! : )
    I’ve read great books all summer…The Last Thing He Told Me, Local Woman Missing, and Other People’s Pets!!

    This one sounds really good! Can’t wait to read it.

    This looks like a great read! Fall is almost upon us and Good book with Apple Cider tea could really hit the spot.

    So scary!! Sounds good!

    So juicy. I mean, how many of us can’t say that we have some little dark secret buried deep down that we’ve never told a soul… but we’re lucky enough not to be in the spotlight and have to worry about it being dug up. Exciting! Oh, the drama. This is top of the list TBR!!! <3 <3 <3

      SO true! I definitely agree…. Crossing fingers you love it!

    Thrillers are my NEW genre.
    Can’t wait to read this.

    Sounds intriguing. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you for the introduction into the story.

    This book sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read it!

    I love to read the interviews. Very interesting.

    Sounds like an intense story! I got a little chuckle when Hank said she didn’t type well. I tend to skip words myself when I type. My brain thinks way faster then I type. Thanks for a great interview!

      Exactly! I wish we could just download our thoughts… and they’d all be spelled properly!

    Love learning about Hank! I can’t type either! And love that the story surprises her too! You have to be one strong lady to be out there in spotlight and so vaunerable

    This has been THE year for thriller and psychological suspense. Can’t wait for this one!

    This book sounds great! Adding it to my TBR pile!

    Looking forward to reading this!!

    sounds like a good read.

    This book sounds amazing! But, that’s no surprise, because Hank’s books are always amazing! Can’t wait to read this one!

    Wonderful interview Christina ! I love all your interviews but I particularly liked this one because of Hanks openness. I am so excited to read Her Perfect Life, I love books about relationships, secrets & suspense. Thank you for the opportunity to win this & to get to know two of my favorite authors even better 📖🏖️💞

      Oh, thank you, Lori! Christina asks the best questions!

    This book sounds like a great thriller and the next one sounds awesome too!

    Sounds like another great one to read and review! Thanks for the informative interview and the chance to get a copy.

    Thank you for this interesting interview with Hank, especially the part of her being the “worst” singer. Well, I think I’m “worst-er” than her – I can’t even sing a sentence! I really am looking forward to reading this thriller!

      It seems as if there are a lot of us bad singers! YAY!

    What a great interview. I found it very interesting that she turns to Stephen King’s On Writing when she needs some direction. The book sounds wonderful, I can’t wait to read it!

    Another one for my to read pile

    This sounds like a great thriller! Looking forward to reading it!

    Sounds like an amazing thriller that I would love to read and review.

    Great interview, would love to read this book, winning it would be great!

    No wonder it’s so difficult for me to figure out where her books are heading… even she doesn’t know. Looking forward to it.

    So excited for this one!

    Can’t wait to read! Thanks for the chance 🙂

    I would love to read this one! 🤓

    This sounds like my kind of read. Can not wait to get my hands on a copy

    Hank’s interview was excellent. She gave a warm, honest sincere look into the person she really is and I really enjoy reading it. I am never disappointed by her books and the brief synopsis of her new book makes me want to read more.

      Awww..Jeanne. That is so kind of you. I am honored and delighted! And I do hope you love it.

    Love Hank!!! And her books😘 I’m guessing she’s not a fan of Halloween?

      HA! I love fun Halloween… with Snickers and Twizzlers and fun costumes.
      I do not like, as you suspected, gruesome scary gory Halloween. oxoo. How about you?

    Just added it to my TBR list.

    Can’t wait to check this one out!

    My favorite interview to date! Perhaps because I have the same interests (and books!) as she. I love what she shared about herself, and about this new one that I look forward to reading. Her previous books were superb!!

      That’s so amazing to hear, thank you!

      AWww..thank you! That is–so wonderful to hear! And I loved d it, too– Christina and I are a good team!

    I enjoyed reading the interview. I love thriller books. I will be ordering this book next month when I have some extra $$$$.

    Sounds like a great book, thanks for always letting us know about other great reads and authors!

    Very very curious about this book!! Even moreso after reading this interview!! Now that I’m getting into audio books (slowly) who will eventually read this???

      Oh, terrific! The reader’s name is Angela Dawe, and she is incredible!

    I am excited to read this new book! I have read all your books Christina and thoroughly enjoyed them. Thanks for the chance to win!

    #secrets Sounds so good. Already on my ever growing TBR list.

    Thank you for the chance

    Cannot wait for fall reading and self improvement and good stories

    Sounds amazing! And my tbr pile is getting small 😊

    I’ve read a couple of her other books…so I totally want to read this one! Sounds like my cup of tea

    Sounds fab, one to ask santa for I think!

    What a great interview! I went to Nevis once and it is such a beautiful, small island.

      Amazing, right? SO peaceful… ANd thank you so much!

    I love to learn a little about authors! This book sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to read it

    Great interview. Can’t wait to read!

    I really enjoyed this interview. I always love peeks into the author’s lives!! And this book does not hestiate to intrigue me! I have all of her books and this one would be more icing on the cake!! Thanks for enriching me and giving me a chance to win a copy!!!

    Sounds very interesting and thank you for the opportunity.

    I love that she thinks she is the worlds worst typist! But sadly, that honor belongs to me. Just ask my coworkers!

    I am so excited this book is finally out! I’m so excited to read it. Thanks for the interview. Always interesting to read more about the author/book/writing process. I love Kinsey Milhone too!

    Can’t wait to read it!

    Great interview! I can’t wait to read this one

    would love to read this book, great interview Hank!

    Thanks for the opportunity. Great interview!

    Great interview! Always love Hank’s books!

    I love books about sisters and this one sounds great.

    Terrific interview. I love Hank’s writing, her titles and the covers. Right off the bat in the interview, I was shocked to learn that she is the worlds worst singer. I always thought I held that title…..I consider myself in good company.

      We can do a bad duet! xooxxoo And aw, thank you!

    Great interview! I love her books and can’t wait to read this one.

      I’m so thrilled you enjoyed, thank you!

    Can’t believe I haven’t read her yet! Would be a joy to win and get started!

    So excited to read this!!

    This book is already on my list to read. Can’t wait!

    Congratulations on another book release! This sounds like a captivating read and on my list! I have been anticipating this one since the first time I caught a glimpse of knowing about it!

    I would love a chance to win . Thank you. The book sounds amazing.

    sounds like a very exc[t[ng book

    This sounds like a good read! I’ve added it to my TBR.

    Ever Hank book is a must read!

    I haven’t read any of Hank’s books yet, but this one sounds intriguing. Also, the inspiration for this book sounds pretty scary. Adding this to my TBR list!

    Great interview! I also love Kinsey and all the Sue Grafton books, I found them years ago and that’s what got me back into reading. I look forward to reading Her Perfect Life!

      AWww…than it lovely to hear–she was a treasure! Crossing fingers you love Her Perfect Life, too!

    Hank is a new author to me and this book sounds like a wonderful read!

    Can’t wait to read this.

    Great interview! Thanks for the chance!

    Thanks for the giveaway chance. Stay safe and healthy.

    Look so good. Can’t wait to read it!

    Looks really good! Cannot wait to read it.

    This books sounds amazing and can’t wait to read it! I love a good thriller!

    I love thriller/suspense books and that Hank doesn’t write gory scary books but books that leave it to your imagination. The best scare comes from within your own head. Can’t wait to read this one!

    Added to by TBR list!

    Id love to read this book, seen so many talking about it

    This sounds like a great story, it is goin on my TBR list now! Would love to win a copy!

    This book is now on my TBR list.

    Love HPR. Thank you kindly.

    Looks so good. Can’t wait to read it.

    This is already on my goodreads want to read list, would love a copy!

    Saw a video she hosted on Facebook and cannot wait to read this book.

    Terrific interview. This book sounds like a winner!

    Sounds really good! Great interview.

    What an amazing interview! This book sounds so fantastic and I would love to win, read, and review! Thank you for the chance!

    Another great thriller from HPR!

    I loved the part where she said she was the worst singer because im the same when i sing its just noise 😂😂

    This interview was great! I always enjoy her books!

      Thank you so much!

    I am a huge fan of HANK!

    Love reading thrillers!

    Love to learn more about the authors and it makes my need to read the book even more,

    I love Hank – she’s the best!! I’ve seen great things about Her Perfect Life!

    Great Interview. Loved the review. Book sounds really great. Thank you for the Giveaway.

    Wonderful interview! I’m looking forward to reading Her Perfect Life.

      Thank you! Christina and I always have fun!

    I have been waiting foe this book to be released!!! I cannot wait to read it!

    I love all your books so I can’t wait to read this one and maybe I’ll be lucky enough to win it

    I love thrillers, and this looks like a good one.

    I haven’t read this author before, so winning a book would be a great opportunity!

    Great interview! I love the Carribean, too! That water… ahhhhhh. I can’t wait to read this twisty, revealing, thought provoking book! Thanks for sharing the interview!

      Yes, it’s amazing, isn’t it? SO beautiful. And aw, thank you!

    This sounds so good! I am a terrible typist as well! Thank goodness for spell check!

    Great interview! I’m excited to read this book!

    This book looks really good. I love thrillers.

    I am looking forward to reading this book, love a good suspense book & surprises around every corner.

    This sounds like the perfect read

    Sounds like a great read. Adding to my list! Happy ALMOST Fall!

    Thank you for this interview. I loved learning the about the genesis and inspiration for this book.

    New author to check out 👀

    Love thrillers, looking forward to reading

    Loved reading the interview. Excited to read the book especially since it is related to her personal career.

    Great interview! Excited to read!

    Great interview. Excited to read the book

    Sounds like a great read – new author for me – would love to read it.

    This sounds sooo good! Would love to read it!
    Thanks for the chance!

    Sounds like a great book and I always think Hank gives great interviews! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Thank you so much for interviewing Hank. This is a great interview. Her new book sounds so fabulous. Thank you for the opportunity.

    This sounds right up my alley and I would love a copy!

    I love how the book is so personal. I didn’t think about all the things reporters have to do when they’re in the public eye

      Oh, I am so glad it’s thought-provoking! ANd so lovely of you to say so…aw. Thank you!
      Crossing fingers you love it!

    Thank you for this – Hank is so much fun!

    Great interview! I love Hank, this book sounds amazing! Thank you!

    Would luv to win..thanks..

    I love Hank’s book and would love to win this one! Thanks for the chance

    Sounds like another winner!

    Love this author- would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity! 😊

    Sounds wonderful! Looking forward to reading this!!’

    Love this author and would love to win book copy- thrillers are my favorite. Thanks for the opportunity!

      YAY! Thank you so much! xxx

    Can’t wait to read it! Great interview!!

    I’m really looking forward to reading this!

    Thank you for the opportunity. Mysteries and thrillers are my favorite!

    Sounds like a great read. I would love the opportunity to read it.

    This sounds like such a great read

    Sounds like the perfect read!

    if you are recommending this book I would so read it. I loved yours & would love to add this to my bookshelf right next to you

      You’re so lovely, thank you! 🙂

    I would love to win, thank you for the chance!

    This book sounds really good. Can’t wait to read it.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

    Lovely interview. Book sounds like a great read. Can’t wait to read it

    WOW! I am overwhelmed, and honored, and I want you all to know I am reading EVERY single one of these! Awww…thank you! Love this so much, and Christina, you are the BEST! xxx

    This book sounds amazing. Can’t wait to read it.

    Cannot wait to read the book.

    Cannot wait. Sounds amazing

    I can’t wait to read this book!

    Love! Thank you for this chance!

    Hank’s books are always a thrill ride, I’d love to win a copy of her latest! And you always give the best interviews with all of my favorite authors, Christina!! Thank you!!

    So an awesome interview and I learned a lot. I can’t wait to read the book.

    I love Hank and her interviews. I was surprised her typing hasn’t improved with practice, but love her talent as an author.

    Great interview! I can’t wait to read this one!

    I read this as an early reader, but a signed copy would be amazing. Thank you, ladies! (PS: Right there with you on the singing. I can type though!)

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