They run. Run with a primal fear knowing that if they slow down, all five of them will die.
It’s hard to think in this fog of terror. Earlier this week their biggest fears were a mom finding his stash of edibles, a dad finding those condoms in her dorm room nightstand. A mom finding her fake ID. A dad finding his crumpled exam with the D circled
in red.
But now, with sand in their shoes, waves crashing, the bonfire burning in the distance, they leave those trivialities behind.
And they run.
They reach the narrow path to the sea cave, link hands in a chain as they navigate the perilous waves and jagged rocks into the hollow.
Huddled in the gloom they stay still as stone. Thoughts swirling, they wonder what clues the police will find. The group chat? The social-media posts? The video of the horror that brought them here?
Another wave breaks. Another flashlight beam gets closer. Another whimper escapes a hand clutching a mouth.
What clues will they find?
Or will they find nothing but their cold lifeless bodies?
Sorry to hear about your publisher and old agent…..definitely their loss. I’m so glad you have found another agent. Please keep us updated on your next book!