Why Mummy Drinks - Gill Sims

Why Mummy DrinksWhy Mummy Drinks by Gill Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Why Mummy Drinks is a hilarious insight into the life of Ellen and her typically middle class family. Written very much in the style of Bridget Jones, it is witty and sharp, with a huge amount of swearing and an even huger amount of drinking.

On the down side, there appeared to be no story within this story. It’s basically a diary following Ellen’s life as she tries to get her children to school, goes to work, and tries to have a life apart from being a mother. There was also very little dialogue or character interaction and maybe a little too many ‘mummy’ cliches. But on the plus side, the voice of the writer is so strong, and parts so absolutely laugh-out-loud funny, that I did really enjoy it and would recommend it as a light bedtime read. This is certainly a book that every parent can relate to.

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