Before I Let You In - Jenny Blackhurst

Before I Let You InBefore I Let You In by Jenny Blackhurst
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very clever novel with lots of twists and turns, Before I Let You In follows Karen, Bea and Eleanor who have been friends since they were kids. One day Karen, who’s just received a big promotion as a psychiatrist, starts treating a girl who seems to know everything about her personal life. And Karen starts to wonder if she should have let her in.

Lots of unreliable narrators, thrills, plot twists and lies, this is an excellent book if you want something really engrossing with an almost palpable sense of danger to it. The end was a huge twist, the characters, while not incredibly deep, were intriguing and real, and the pacing was absolutely perfect. I really enjoyed this one.

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